Optional services

One adult:8,000yen

One child:6,000円


Course meals and natural wine at the lodge restaurant Sondre

The course meals at the restaurant attached to Lodge Norheim, which pursues a simple, no-frills, and delicious Hokkaido-style cuisine. Cafe Good Life is a series of small and large barns in Sakuraoka, a small farming village in the forest area that extends from Daisetsuzan. When it quietly opens its doors at night, you can see the wood stove gently lighti up in the darkness.

The dishes are prepared with seasonal ingredients from the region benefiting from Daisetsuzan, and they are simply seasoned. Please enjoy the deliciousness that can only be enjoyed at a rural restaurant in Hokkaido, with a sense of fun that expresses Good Life’s uniqueness, and a relaxing time in a special seat near the wood-burning stove.

Cafe Good Life

Menu example
  • マッシュルームのフラン
  • 季節の野菜のクリームスープ
  • ホタテのカルパッチョと、あいかみかんとセロリのサラダ
  • 色々な火入れをした冬野菜
  • 東旭川炭豚の炭焼きと芽室産マチルダのフリット
  • 鱈のオーブン焼きと白子のベニエサルサベルデ
  • 手打ちピーチのポモドーロ
  • 自家製パン
  • フォンダンショコラ
  • CAFE コーヒーorハーブティ

Drink example

-Vin Nature- White Wine

  • Loire, France

-Vin Nature- Red Wine

  • Gamay – Loire, France
  • Merlot – Cahors, France
  • Malbec – Cahors, France


  • Heineken
  • Guinness
  • Daisetsu Pilsner

Sparkling Water (東川町)


Terms of Use
  • The price is for one adult (junior high school student or older).
    The price is different for elementary school students, so please choose from different options.
  • Reservations can be made at least seven days prior to check-in.
  • Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. Please come to the restaurant at that time.
  • We use ingredients produced in the Sakuraoka area as much as possible. The menu changes depending on the season and the weather that day.
  • If you have any allergies or religious requests, please let us know. (There is a form to fill in when you proceed to the reservation page.)
  • Beverage can be ordered locally and paid for upon check-out.
  • We are working to reduce food waste. If you would like a smaller quantity, please write in the notes section.
  • Please note that meals may not be served when the restaurant is closed. Please understand this in advance.

Chef Takeya honed his culinary skills at a restaurant in Central Tokyo. He returned to his hometown of Asahikawa to fulfill his dream of opening a restaurant using quality local ingredients. As chef of Sondre, he creates great tastes that can only be enjoyed in a rural restaurant.

Per person: 2,750yen(tax included)


Breakfast at the lodge restaurant Sondre

The breakfast at the restaurant attached to Lodge Norheim, which pursues a simple, no-frills, and delicious Hokkaido-style cuisine. The venue is Cafe Good Life, barns that can be seen after a short walk from the lodge.

Breakfast during the winter season consists of a healthy chicken wing porridge (or pho) as the main dish, and can be topped with as many side dishes as you like, such as fish, meat, or vegetables.

Cafe Good Life

Terms of Use
  • This option has the same price for adults and elementary school students. If you would like to share an adult breakfast because your child is too small to eat even one serving, please choose only the number of adults.
  • There is no charge for preschoolers, so please proceed without choosing this option.
    If you have any allergies or religious requests, please let us know. (There is a form to fill in when you proceed to the reservation page.)
  • Please note that meals may not be served when the restaurant is closed. Please understand this in advance.

1台あたり 10,000円





  • 宿泊を通して1台あたりの料金です。宿泊時は何度でもお使いいただけます。
  • タオルや専用着などもついたセット料金です。
  • 数回分をご利用いただける薪の量が初回につきます。
  • 薪がなくなった場合は薪のオプションで追加をしてください。
  • 設置に時間がかかるため、予約で選択いただけない場合はご使用頂けない場合がございます。
  • 荒天や積雪状況によってご使用できない場合がございます。その際は返金対応させていただきます。

1台あたり 5,500円

Höfats CONE(BBQグリル)の貸し出し



  • 宿泊を通して1台あたりの料金です。宿泊時は何度でもお使いいただけます。
  • 食材はご自身でお持ち込みいただくか、宿の冷蔵庫にご用意している北海道産の牛リブロースや牛ヒレ肉などをご利用ください。
  • 宿で準備している食材の詳細は館内オプションをご覧ください。
  • ウッドデッキには大型のタープが常設されておりますが、屋根がありません。積雪や荒天でBBQ台が使用できない場合は返金対応させていただきます。
  • 真冬は調理ができませんが、焚き火台としてお使いいただけます。
  • 荒天の場合はあらかじめご了承ください。

1つあたり 3,500円

Cafe good lifeの手作りサプライズケーキ


サイズをお選びいただけます。12cm:3,500円 15cm:4,000円 18cm:4,500円

  • ご希望でしたら名前やメッセージを入れさせていただきますので、予約画面で表示される「全てのゲスト様への質問項目」でお知らせください。

Accommodation Plan



北海道産ヒレ肉 150g(夏季限定でご予約の際オプションで注文ください)


北海道産リブロースステーキ 300g(夏季限定でご予約の際オプションで注文ください)








薪1束 追加




Accommodation Plan




MICHEL GROS Hautes Cotes De Nuits 2019

- Bourgogne, France

トミハラヴィンヤード レラカント 2020

- 北海道上富良野

トミハラヴィンヤード トイホプニ 2021

- 北海道上富良野


- 北海道砂川市(ソーヴィニヨンブラン)


